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How to stay positive even in the darkest situations

 Sometimes we go through extremely hard periods, where we feel like we are stuck, and think that we can't get through this distress, you feel so much overwhelmed and depressed, you can't think of anything positive, and absolutely not thinking of how you can get through this.

You will be just thinking about how depressed you are, how this happened to you, why is this happening to you and you will try to blame anyone, your family, your friends, or even blame life for being unfair.

I have been in this situation, I was feeling so stuck like I can't move on forward or backward, I'm stuck in this present with no ability to change the past, I wished I could go back and do something different or not doing it at all, yes right if I do it differently everything would have been better, I would be happy if I chose this career instead of my current career, or I may think sure everything would have been better if I just was more confident about my skills and if I sharpen them more.

But would it be?

If I had the ability to change the past, how it would be like? 

Maybe everything will be better, but maybe isn't enough to take the risk, maybe things could have gone worse, maybe I will be more than the loser I am now, but surely maybe I will be able to fix everything and become successful, but in this case would I have learned all the things that I know now? In the other path my interests may go far away than expected, I may not get the chance to get to know all the wonderful people I have met, but I will be successful, since I have chosen this path after so much study, and I know its a successful path, but again maybe its not, or maybe I manage to get much money, but it wasn't enough since I don't do as much effort as my past path. 

Maybe I will end up being a successful person, but do you think maybe is enough to take this risk, may I be happy?

Sure maybe, everything is just a possibility, so I thought maybe this path that I'm in right now is better than any other, maybe I can be happy with my life if I'm convinced that it's the best path since I have been through a lot, I suffered a lot and felt the pain in my heart grows every day, I have learned how to overcome lots of obstacles, I have learned how to be strong and independent. 

I knew that if I was in another path everything I have been through wouldn't happen again, I will be successful but with no ability to manage my pain, without all the situations I have been through to become the person that I am now.

I had learned something very important, the true success doesn't come up over one night, it needs time and determination, it needs all those sad and depressing moments, it needs all the suffering that I have been through my life.

True success is the result of multi failures, not just one or two or even a hundred, its the determination on doing something until you master it, successful people don't even recognize it as a failure, they think that they were just learning. 

So I have determined to stay on my path and work harder every day, no matter how much hard it will be, I will do it, I chose to forget about thinking about the past and how things could, and focus on my current life instead, I have improved my skills and am still improving it, I have learned that learning doesn't stop after college, discovered new skills that I have but I didn't know about before because I wasn't focused on my current life.

My journey to the past had taught me that life could be anything we want, but only if we worked hard on it and focused all our abilities on it.

Also, meditation helped me to find my negative thoughts and control them, when you clear your mind out of all the negative thoughts, you will have a new place for positive ones, meditate for at least one our day, don't think of anything, let the thoughts flow and observe them in order to be able to change them. 

Focus on becoming better rather than thinking that you know everything, no skills can be perfect unless you improved them, you need to understand that your abilities needs to be improved. Thinking that you already mastered a skill and start bragging about will not do you any good, you need to work on improving it.

Discover new aspects of life, if you are an engineer, your life shouldn't be only about engineering, you should learn about other specialties, discover what you enjoy the most and learn about it.

Have a new hoppy, trying something new will certainly help you to get out of your negative thoughts, it will give you a strong motive to get you out of your comfort zone.

How to be positive, negative thoughts, dark moments , thinking about the past , change my career, how to be successful, mediation,


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